Terms & conditions

  1. Preface: These terms and conditions govern your use of this website; by using this website, you accept these terms and conditions in full.
  2. License to use website: Unless otherwise stated, We or our licensors enjoy the intellectual property rights on material on the website. You may view, download for caching purposes only, and print runners from the website for your particular use.
  3. You must not:  (a) republish material from this website( including republication on another website). (b)  vend, and rent sub-license material from the website. (c) Reproduce, duplicate, copy, or exploit material on our website for marketable purposes. (d) edit or else modify any material on the website.   
  4. Respectable use: You mustn't use this website to copy, store, host, transmit,  shoot, use, publish, or distribute any material that consists of or is linked to any spyware, computer contagion, Trojan steed, worm, keystroke jack, rootkit, or any other vicious software.
  5. Your account: Still, you're responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your accounts and Confining access to your computer to help unauthorized access to your account, If you use this website. You agree to accept responsibility for all conditioning that does under your account or word. You should take all necessary ways to ensure that the word is kept nonpublic and secure and should inform us incontinently if you have any reason to believe that your word has come given to anyone differently, or if the word is being, or is likely to be, used in an unauthorized manner.
  6. User Content: You grant us the right to sub-license these rights to bring an action for violation of these rights. Your stoner content mustn't be scandalous or scandalous or mustn't contain any unlawful content.   We reserve the right to edit or remove any material submitted to our website, stored on our waiters, or hosted or published on our website. 
  7. Limitations of liability: We'll not be liable to you( whether under the law of contact, the law of torts, or concerning the contents of, or use of, or  else in connection with, this website :

        (a) for any  circular, special, or consequential loss 

        ( b) for any business For Any other query write us at info.originenterprise01@gmail.com